Windows Arrive

It took me a few months to get all the windows in. I had to figure out a good flashing design and although waterproof, wasn’t exactly pretty. Nevertheless, no leaks and performing great.

Windows have arrived.

Windows have arrived.

I think I went overboard with my BlueSkin flashing.

I think I went overboard with my BlueSkin flashing.

Front Side Window ready to be placed.

Front Side Window ready to be placed.

Preliminary Flashing for Back Window

Preliminary Flashing for Back Window

Getting ready with scaffolding for a formidable task.

Getting ready with scaffolding for a formidable task.

The big sky window is in. Dropped it twice while trying to place it myself. Kind of stupid to attempt this alone. But each time it dropped, I caught it. A considerable feat since the window weights about 150 pounds.

The big sky window is in. Dropped it twice while trying to place it myself. Kind of stupid to attempt this alone. But each time it dropped, I caught it. A considerable feat since the window weights about 150 pounds.

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